Dr Antje Ruhmann
Advocacy Officer, terre des hommes Deutschland
Research area: Participatory and rights-based research, working children
Education: Antje has been completed her PhD at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) in 2023, supervised by Laura Lundy. In her thesis, she explored the process and results of participatory and rights-based research on working children with child rights and epistemological lenses. Antje holds a Master in International Relations (2010, TU Dresden) and a Bachelor in European Studies (2007, University of Osnabrück).
Research and Work Experience: In parallel to her PhD study, Antje works part-time as Advocacy Officer at terre des hommes Germany and co-coordinator of the Dialogue Works project – a global and participatory campaign striving for the realization of working children’s right to participation in local to global policy debates. She is in charge of the regularly published Terre des Hommes Child Labour Reports. Before she joined terre des hommes in 2015, she has worked as Advocacy Officer at the German child rights organisation Kindernothilfe (2010-2015).